For some people Valentine’s Day is just another marketing scheme created by the masterminds at Hallmark to rake in millions. For others it is an occasion that they go all out to celebrate with special reservations at high-end restaurants and flowers, chocolate, and jewelry. However, I would guess that for most people it falls somewhere in between. Many people get chocolate or go out to eat, but it is not a huge affair that they drop hundreds on to celebrate.

Mitch and I have always celebrated, though it has varied in extreme from year to year. We have mixed feelings about the holiday. On one hand, it is a great excuse to celebrate our love, go out on a date and do something special. This next weekend we are going up to stay the night in Flagstaff and then go see the Grand Canyon. We have wanted to do this since we moved to Arizona. So we decided to do it the Friday and Saturday after Valentine’s Day. It gave us a great reason to splurge a little. Yet, we are both big believers in expressing love all of the time, not just one day a year. He buys me flowers almost once a month. He doesn’t need Saint Valentine to remind him to do that! I pity the woman who only gets flowers on Valentine’s Day and the man who only gets sex that one day a year! I don’t want to imagine an existence like that!

So, how should we treat this upcoming day? I would propose doing what serves your conscience best; but, do not forget to show your spouse love and special treatment throughout the rest of the year. If we only express love and gratefulness on birthdays, anniversaries, and Valentine’s Day, we will be in a feast or famine cycle of love. I hope (and doubt) that this is any of you, but if it is—get creative the rest of the 364 days of the year!

Here are some pictures and memories from our past celebrations (We will also post pictures from the Grand Canyon trip soon too!):

Mitch's favorite cake is Red Velvet with cream cheese frosting, so I have been making that cake for him since our first Valentine's Day.
Last year we got Starbucks mugs that we really liked so that we could have many in-home coffee dates!
More pictures to come when we can get them. . . Mitch's computer crashed and died and we have been struggling to get computer problems worked out. . . Please be patient with us!

1. How do you celebrate Valentine's Day?
2. How do you celebrate your love throughout the year?
Tonight's blog post isn't really about marriage, per say. But it does have some applicable uses.

But what this blog post really is something pretty plain, simple, and common: A Rant.

A straightforward and angsty rant.

And it was all started by something I saw today as my wife and I were driving home after grabbing some lunch. We drove by a hospital and there was a patient of that hospital outside, relaxing in the sun while sitting in her wheelchair, connected to an IV, and surrounded by family. This would be a beautiful picture if that patient wasn't doing one more thing: smoking!

Now don't get me wrong, I don't look at smoking as sin specifically. I think it is an unwise way to spend money, time, and in particular, health. But honestly, could you be more ignorant? This patient was obviously not in good shape. I only caught a glance at her, but she didn't look healthy. (Not that I do either, I might add). But putting toxins back into your body as you are a patient in the hospital to make you better is more than just unwise. It's ignorance.

I beleave that, as humans, we can get addicted to addiction. We are in denial about our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual selves.

It's not like we don't know better:

- Getting an extra large popcorn slathered in "real butter" while also ordering an extra large Diet Cola. The calories cancel out, right?

- Drinking and driving. Really? I honestly can't beleave we STILL deal with this one.

- Visitting tanning salons in order go to a beach. It's ok. Just a touch of cancer won't hurt.

- Sitting on the couch, eatting bowls if ice cream as you watch "The Biggest Loser". (I'm actually a big fan of this one)

The examples are funny because they are true AND obvious. We are kidding ourselves. We were set free by the blood of Jesus and we chain ourselves back down to other things. Whether it be Cheetos or pornogrophy, we allow sin and addiction to own us. We get addicted to the addiction itself to the point that we don't see their consequences anymore.

As the song "Meant To Live" by Switchfoot states, "We were meant for so much more, but we lost ourselves."

Tonight, I challenge you to take a deep look into yourself. What could you be denying about yourself?

Ok. Rant over.

Thank you for endulgeing me. Have a great night and fun Super Bowl Sunday!

- Mitch